NOTICE: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. 检查黑板上的沟通,从你的导师.

student-led worship service at outdoor amphitheater

Church Music Major

Join SBU's church music program

Do you have a love for music and a passion for ministry? SBU's church music degree 将教导你的基础,预备你在音乐事工的服事 教会音乐的概念和技巧,强调表演.

你将受益于音乐和基督教事工课程,包括必修课程 internship. 选择一个浓度在器乐,键盘或声乐. 你也可以选择完成一个表演者的证书,这表明优越 music performance ability.

The Church Music degree is offered through SBU's College of Arts and Sciences


Degree plan

SBU students

The SBU Advantage

  • 向积极参与教会音乐的教师学习.
  • SBU的音乐课程是国家协会认可的机构成员 of Schools of Music.
  • 几乎100%的音乐专业毕业生毕业后都能在音乐行业找到工作; 大多数教会音乐毕业生追求全职或双职业就业领导 music at a church.
  • 许多SBU的演出团体巡回演出地区,全国甚至国际. 无论在神圣表演还是当代表演中,您都将拥有独一无二的表演机会 venues.

Faith Integration

SBU的教会音乐学位自然地将学术学科与基督教结合在一起 信仰通过独特的音乐理论与表演课程相结合 Christian ministry coursework. 当你追求你的教会音乐学位,你是在准备 为全职或双职业事工和SBU教师致力于准备 他们在学术上和精神上都要做好准备.

SBU音乐系的教职员工都是虔诚的基督徒 acclaimed musicians in their own rights. Courses are intentionally taught through 基督教的观点和教师的个人信仰自然地结合在一起 in how they teach and interact with students.


大多数教会音乐毕业生从事全职或双职业音乐工作 ministry. Examples include:

  • Dierra Dawn Blankenship '12 — Music Associate, First Baptist Church, Bolivar, Mo.
  • Berrik Brumley '05 ——崇拜艺术与门徒训练牧师,阿肯色州派恩布拉夫.
  • Scott Davis '12 ——德克萨斯州米尔斯谷第一浸信会音乐部长
  • Nathan Elder '05 -密苏里州温茨维尔元素教会敬拜艺术执行牧师.
  • Jennifer Hoover '07 -音乐传教会,里奥维斯塔浸信会,新奥尔良,路易斯安那州.
  • Tim McCarty '05 -西雅图埃奇伍德浸信会全球外展主任/敬拜牧师, Wash.
  • Nathan White '12 — Worship Leader, Springfield, Mo.


SBU教会音乐专业的学生有机会在各个领域完成实习 churches and ministries while enrolled at SBU. These internships will enhance your 并给你作为敬拜领袖,教会唱诗班指挥, music ministers, and more.

最近,几名SBU学生在当代艺术学院完成了一个学期的实习 Music Center in Nashville, Tenn.

Graduate Schools

几位教会音乐毕业生继续在音乐和/或音乐方面继续深造 ministry, and have studied at institutions such as:

  • Baylor University
  • New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Kyle Sparks
“我把我对音乐的理解和对音乐的专业态度都归功于SBU excellence in music. SBU为我做好了充分的准备,使我能够像我所接受的那样专业地服侍我的教会 a top-notch musical and theological education."
Kyle Sparks '14
Chappell Hill第一浸信会音乐与事工发展部长, Texas

Clubs and Organizations

Pi Kappa Lambda

加入SBU的Zeta Zeta分会的Pi Kappa Lambda,一个全国性的音乐荣誉协会. It 是唯一被大学荣誉社团协会认可的音乐组织吗. 每年,选出几位顶尖的大三和大四音乐专业的学生 音乐学院加入这个杰出的国家组织.

Student Advisory Council

合唱团,音乐会合唱团,管乐交响乐团,大学乐队,室内乐学生会主席 乐团,教会音乐会议,全国音乐教育协会, 与键盘学生代表和一名普通成员组成 the Student Advisory Council. This group serves the department of music by assisting 在计划社会活动时,确定问题领域,并为未来设定目标. 通过加入这个委员会,你可以代表其他音乐专业的学生 管理和领导能力的提升.

Performing Groups

wind symphony performing on stage

15个以上的乐团为您提供了许多发展的机会 your music performance skills. 合奏选项包括各种声乐合奏,乐队, orchestra and more.


Learn about music ensembles

Church Music Conference

加入SBU全国浸信会音乐会议的学生分会. Membership 是否对所有对敬拜领导感兴趣的学生开放,不论专业. 通过加入本组织,您将有机会参加年会 每年春季和受益于奖学金和信息会议每学期.

Collegiate National Association for Music Education

SBU的NafME学院分会向世界介绍音乐教育的学生 of professional music educators. In addition to regular on-campus meetings, you also 是否有机会参加密苏里州音乐教育工作者协会的服务 conference each January.

Faculty Associates

Marc Baker, Percussion

Hannah Fong, Elementary Music Education

Carol Harrison, Violin/Viola

Charlton Miller, HigherGround

Renee Waters, Intro to Music/Theory/Orchestration

Esther Clifton, Cello

Crystal Grosvenor, Intro to Music

Eric Jackson, French Horn

John Trew, Guitar

Tim Wootton, Trumpet

Michelle Draper, Flute

Dawn Gutierrez, Voice

Andy Johnston, Chamber Orchestra

Jeff Waters, Clarinet/Saxophone/Woodwind Ensemble



大多数SBU音乐学生被选中接受经济援助 一个或多个领域的音乐表演奖学金(键盘,声乐和器乐). Awards are renewable annually. Requirements for receiving scholarships are listed with each scholarship:

键盘奖学金-为独奏者和/或合奏者执行指定的伴奏任务 in the department

All scholarship recipients must maintain a 2.5 minimum grade point average in all college coursework.

Music Scholarship Application (PDF)

Repertoire Guidelines (PDF)

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